wubi exe
wubi exe

WubiistheWindowsUbuntuInstaller.WubiinstallsUbuntuinsideafilewithinawindowspartition,andthusitdoesnotrequireCDburningordedicated ...,WubiforUbuntu22.04.2(rev.345)·Manualrebootisnecessaryaftersecondpartofinstallation.·installerisnotcompatiblewitho...


Wubi(基於Windows的Ubuntu安裝程式,Windows-basedUbuntuInstaller)是使用GPL協定進行發布的一個Ubuntu自由軟體安裝程式,並得到了Ubuntu的官方支援。Wubi ...

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Wubi is the Windows Ubuntu Installer. Wubi installs Ubuntu inside a file within a windows partition, and thus it does not require CD burning or dedicated ...

Releases · hakuna

Wubi for Ubuntu 22.04.2 (rev. 345) · Manual reboot is necessary after second part of installation. · installer is not compatible with older versions of Ubuntu

Wubi (software)

Wubi (Windows-based Ubuntu Installer) is a free software Ubuntu installer, that was the official Windows-based software, from 2008 until 2013, to install ...


2023年9月2日 — The Windows-based Ubuntu Installer (Wubi) allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu from within Microsoft Windows. It lets a Microsoft Windows ...


Wubi(基於Windows的Ubuntu安裝程式,Windows-based Ubuntu Installer)是使用GPL協定進行發布的一個Ubuntu自由軟體安裝程式,並得到了Ubuntu的官方支援。 Wubi ...

Wubi for Windows

Wubi is an installer for the Linux Ubuntu distribution that allows you to enjoy this operating system on your computer without having to partition the hard ...

Wubi | Quick and Hassle

2023年7月20日 — Wubi, or Windows-based Ubuntu Installer, is free software that installs Ubuntu inside the Windows file system. As such, it removes the need for ...

Wubi, the easiest way to Linux! download

2013年4月17日 — Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer for Windows users that can bring you to the Linux world with a single click.


2012年6月29日 — Wubi(Windows-based Ubuntu Installer)是使用GPL協定進行發布的一個Ubuntu自由軟體安裝程式。就如字面所說的,它是一個建基於Windows系統的ubuntu ...


WubiistheWindowsUbuntuInstaller.WubiinstallsUbuntuinsideafilewithinawindowspartition,andthusitdoesnotrequireCDburningordedicated ...,WubiforUbuntu22.04.2(rev.345)·Manualrebootisnecessaryaftersecondpartofinstallation.·installerisnotcompatiblewitholderversionsofUbuntu,Wubi(Windows-basedUbuntuInstaller)isafreesoftwareUbuntuinstaller,thatwastheofficialWindows-basedsoftware,from2008until2013,toinst...